How to Get Money From Youtube? 4 Steps

How to Get Money From Youtube? 4 Steps template AMP shannenpio - How to make money on Youtube with google Adsense now is being widely adopted by the online business. In the days when the internet is, of course, all Internet users already familiar with Youtube. As it is known that youtube video portal site is the most famous in the world in which there are millions of Internet users uploaded videos. As a connoisseur of video, we would greatly benefit the existence of this video portal sites to obtain information or just entertainment of what we watch on Youtube. But not only can see the video, as our users can also upload our own videos on the internet, so we can watch the video by many other Internet users around the world.

It is this which became a potential business opportunity, because as a business principle that we know that where there are crowds then that's where there will be the potential to earn money. And in actual fact is the business principle is correct, it's been a lot of people who earn money from the video is uploaded to YouTube, even up there that produces up to hundreds of millions to billions of rupiah per month just by uploading videos to YouTube.

How To Make Money From YouTube Adsense?
Well, in this article we will discuss Free Tips on How to Make Money From Youtube or commonly referred to as making money via youtube.

How does YouTube make money from the videos we upload?
YouTube is preferred by Internet users because they provide a very diverse video content. A variety of video content uploaded by users with different objectives.

There are users who upload videos for the purpose of conveying information or inspiration, there is a purpose of promoting your business or event, there is also just a fad share videos, and many other purposes.

Users can find different types of videos, ranging from movie trailers, music videos, news, humor, tutorials, science and technology, documentation and many other types of videos.

If we visit YouTube then we will see Google Adsense ads there, whether they're in a video or on the sidebar of the page. These ads will appear on the videos that have a lot number of spectators (views). Well, the video owner's income was derived from Google Adsense ads clicks or a number of views Google Adsense ads that appear on her upload the video.

Check to see google Adsense ads on YouTube pages in the image below.

How to Get Money From Youtube? 4 Steps
The trick is to upload videos to YouTube is unique and interesting. Later on, the more the audience (views) of the videos in your YT channel, the greater the revenue to be derived from YouTube.
template AMP shannenpio Important: Earlier I emphasize that there is no guarantee that by uploading a lot of videos, then you will generate a lot of money quickly. Youtube is not promising huge income for a short time. Because of the seriousness and consistency necessary to be successful in playing YouTube.

I do not mean quit your passion in playing youtube, but I mentioned is realistic. You can be successful in playing YouTube with the requirement to prepare since the beginning decide to desire to make money on Youtube. Then it takes an attitude willing to work hard in making video a unique, creative and interesting to be watched by the entire world's Internet users.

Please refer to the initial steps that should be applied in a way to make money from the internet following:

1. Make a YouTube Account

Creating a YouTube account is very easy if you have an account on one of Google products, such as mail. You just need to connect mail account to create a youtube account. Consider the following steps:
1. Login to your Gmail account
2. Go to the website
3. Create a Channel for your YouTube account.
The trick is: click the "My Channel" which is to the left of the screen. Then select the name of your YouTube channel, what do you want to use your real name (name of the email) or use another name.
4. Click the "To use a business or other name, click here", will be directed to a new page.
5. Enter the name of the Channel you want, use the channel name that is easy to remember. Then choose the appropriate category, and provide a check on the "I agree to the Pages Terms" and click "Done".
6. We will be redirected to the page Channel.
7. Furthermore, we can arrange to see our YouTube Channel, such as adding a picture icon, add a cover, and other settings.
8. So far we've managed to create a YouTube account and make a special Channel.

2. Upload Videos to YouTube

Furthermore, upload original videos on YouTube have our own and do not infringe on the copyrights of other people's videos. We can make a unique video by recording daily activities, such as cooking, fishing, playing guitar, and other daily activities. After that maximize qualities video by utilizing the various video editing software. Then compresses the video so that the video size smaller and faster upload process.

Then enter the relevant keywords in the video description. This will greatly affect the search results for users find your video.

Rutinlah uploaded many videos to your YouTube channel, at least according to my research you need to upload at least about 100 videos to earn passable. The more videos uploaded, the greater the opportunity to generate revenue from YouTube.

And do not try to upload video material that violates copyright, because it will make your Adsense account banned.

3. Increasing Popularity of YouTube Channel

If the popularity of the brand in the business affects the increase in sales, the play can be likened YouTube brand channel must be increased in popularity. The more famous of our YT channel it will be easier to bring the audience and improve views so that the greater the income monetize our youtube video.

Many ways can we do to increase the popularity of YT Channel. Some of them are:
  1. Regularly upload video unique and interesting, consider the quality of the video as a clear display with good resolution. Uploading videos on a regular basis will build customer confidence.
  2. Focused and consistent upload a video in accordance with a niche or topic of your YT channel. As an example, the case if you are an expert in cooking, then the focus made a video tutorial cooking. YT Channel so you will be easily recognized as a special channel cooking tutorial by users YT.
  3. Invite others to become a subscriber of your YouTube Channel. How to ask him to create a thread in the forum or create articles pertinent video and then enter the video is relevant and sentence YT invitation to subscribe to your channel.
  4. Promote your video content to your blog / website and social media such as twitter, facebook and google plus.

4. Sign up to Google AdSense

Although there are many ways to earn money from YouTube, but YouTube videos monetize with Google Adsense is the most favorite YouTube publisher. Typically Channel which has many views will get an invitation from Google Adsense. But if we do not get the invitation, we can enroll to Google Adsense. Please read the article tutorial How to Apply Google Adsense.

But if you already have a Google Adsense account, there is no need to register again. You only need to connect a Google Adsense account to your YouTube account. Once your AdSense account linked to your YouTube account, then you're just waiting for earnings entrant of the videos you've uploaded.

Tips to Make Money on Youtube
The key to success in a YouTube video that monetizes creativity. The more interesting videos you upload, the greater the chances of revenue from YouTube. However, my advice to use creativity in making a video yourself. Prioritizing quality instead of quantity used in making the video. Earlier you should not think about money first, you should just focus on creating and uploading videos that are useful.

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