The Difference Visitors And PageViews On Blog

What is the Difference Visitor and Page views on a Blog - Both of these sometimes be mistaken Blogger, especially in Platform contained blogger pageview. Sometimes they called the pageviews same with visitors. Actually pageview that exist in blogger is not a visitor counter tools or blog visitors, pageviews that of the blogger only to find out the number of pages viewed as a whole in a certain time, this is confusing for bloggers, especially for those new to know about the blog.

To discuss about what the visitor and pageview I will explain below regarding the difference, of course it is so important as a measure of whether the many visitors who see the article on our blog. To obtain a lot of visitors that is so difficult, is necessary to do some optimization blog especially On Page SEO Optimization and Off Page SEO Optimization, the point that blog articles are on page 1 of google of course this will bring more visitors to our blog.

What is the Difference Visitors and pageviews?

Visitor and pageview is different, we can say those are not the same, and I'm sure you would prefer that a lot of visitors compared to the pageviews abundant. Why is that? Please you find out below, why the visitor more beneficial than pageview.

What is Visitor?

As we know that visitor always lost than pageview or always was at the bottom and never be above the pageview, why is that happen? Visitor (visitor organic) is the original visitor that can only be counted one time only per visit our blog.

IP Address is what determines a visitor, every visitor has an IP address that is different is the so-called organic visitor. So the visitor can only be calculated if the IP address of the visitor is different.

What it pageviews?

While pageview is always at the top position and has never been under the visitor, why be like this? Pageview is the number of pages viewed by visitors, so every visitor is able to produce more than two page view, is caused visitors to read or open a page other than that she was seeing.


If a visitor lands on a website will automatically increase by 1 visitor and pageview is also incremented by 1, then visitors read other articles so that the displacement of the page then the visitor has not increased, while page views increased to 2.

Therefore, the visitor will never be more than page view, because pageview will continue to grow despite visitornya just 1. So it has a lot of visitors is more important than to have a lot of pageviews. To determine the number of visitors blog you can use online tools such as : Google Analytics or Histats. Please use the online tools to know the number of visitors to your blog while to know the number of pageviews you can already see on the menu overview of your blog.

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