My Adsense Account Disapproved, What Should I Do?

My Adsense Account Disapproved, What Should I Do? - Feeling dejected and hopeless as possible a normal thing when you experienced some rejection Google Adsnese, if you really find it difficult to accept Google Adsense, you can first read this well, maybe this could be a clue for you to be more easily accepted Google Adsense. Google Adsense has become one of the excellent advertising medium that we can use as a medium for generating dollars online most dimintani in the world. Anyone agree that Google Adsense is one of the advertising media that publisher pay quite large, so it is no wonder to this day a lot of bloggers are lining up to become publisher Google Adsense.

Requirements to become a Google Adsense publisher is actually very simple, the main thing is to have a blog or website, but unfortunately, despite all of the conditions is quite easy, to be accepted into a Google Adsense publisher was very difficult, because Google Adsense has specific criteria for assessing the feasibility of a blog for participating be Adsense publisher.

If the criteria are deemed to comply, then it certainly is not impossible blogs to be registered would be very easy to be fully accepted, but if the blog is registered considered incompatible with the criteria of google Adsense, then most likely the filing of the registration will be rejected.

There are innumerable cases of denial of registration Google Adsense, and some have been registering more than 10 times but it still does not work, there is also always try to list a few times over the years but it still has not been successfully received.

If rejection after rejection you've ever experienced, and until now you have not been successfully received by Google Adsense, then you should first read about the eligibility for admission Google Adsense below.

Eligibility to be accepted Google Adsense?

Here is a Google Adsense feasibility accepted that you can use as a benchmark before registering Adsense and also at the same time could be a benchmark for why you often rejected Google Adsense:

1. The blog owner must be at least 18 years

This is the main requirement, and became one of the required criteria are always considered by Google Adsense. Bloggers (blog owner) who want to register their blogs in order to become a Google Adsense publisher must be at least 18 years, if not then your application will definitely be rejected.

From where google identify the age of the site owner?

Google can guess your age from the email you use when registering Google Adsense, therefore if you want to be a Google Adsense publisher while your age is below 18 years of age, you can use the email parents or siblings whose age is over 18 years old when registration Google Adsense.

2. Your blog should be active for at least 6 months

The second condition is a blog that you used to register adsene must be at least 6 months old. It is often a question of the bloggers.

How old is the blog for a list of Google Adsense ?

According to google the answer is six months, and the blog must be in maintenance, if your blog is not yet 6 months old should postpone your registration.

Age blogs became one of the main criteria that must be met by a blog that Adsense registration have received a better chance. Age a blog is used to ensure that the blog has quality content that have criteria in accordance with Google Adsense as ads network.

3. Post a blog must comply with Google Adsense policies

Blog which will be submitted to Google Adsense certainly not an arbitrary blog, Google Adsense once a highly selective filter every publisher is primarily concerned with the content of the blog.

Not only the age of the blog owner must be at least 18 years old and also blogs at least 6 months of age, but also the topic or niche and blog article content must also comply with the policy of Google Adsense. otherwise it will never be accepted.

4. Blog Content must be qualified and Attractive

One type of rejection often experienced by bloggers who are trying to sign up for Google Adsense is, the content is inadequate, this is often the reason blogs rejected Google Adsense caused by blog content deemed to be lacking, in terms of both the number of articles as well as the number of words contained in every article.

You should know that how Google Adsense by crawling the web page then displays ads according to the content presented, meaning that if the content you present is limited, poor words, dominated by images then most likely crawler (google bot) will find it difficult to identifying the information contained on your blog.

Consequently Google Adsense difficult to show ads on your blog page, so that eventually reject registration requests google Google Adsense you with content inadequate reasons.

What is the number of visitors to your blog Google Adsense?

Google itself was never raised the question of the specific blog visitor, which is taken into consideration is the age of google blog owners must be at least 18 years, the blog must have been active for at least 6 months, the content presented must be qualified and blogs can not serve content that violates the policies Google Adsense.

The criteria above are directly proportional to the blog visitor, that means Google knows that if the blog presenting quality content and blogs actively developed for 6 months, it is not likely the visitor will go up.

Your blog visitors will quickly determine whether or not you get a registration decision google adsnese. Visitor is strongly associated with the number of articles, the more often you publish articles that visitors would tend to increase, more and more visitors, then google bot will often stop at your blog.

That means google bot will more quickly get to the information contained in your blog that can be used as a reference for the feasibility of your blog is accepted Google Adsense, so your blog will quickly get a decision from Google Adsense is accepted or rejected.

There are many bloggers who complained that the registration has not received a decision even for months, still do not have the certainty of Google Adsense. what exactly is the cause?

The most likely reason is the traffic blog is very little that google bot rarely stopped to browse your blog, consequently Google Adsense yet to get information quickly from google bot reports related to your blog, which is why Google Adsense registration, can be very long to get a decision.

Organic traffic is the most preferred Google Adsense?

Make sure that the blogs to be registered to get a lot of organic traffic, organic traffic ?, what is organic traffic is the traffic that comes from search engine Google, semkin lots of organic traffic to your blog, then the chances of acceptable Adsense will be even greater.

We know that the source of traffic can be from anywhere, be of social media and from other sources in addition to the Google search engine, but unfortunately traffic as this is considered less qualified in the eyes of Google, and even tends to be able to increase invalid traffic Google Adsense, which is not only a rejection of Adsense alone but many cases this could lead to traffic as Adsense account banned.


In order to more easily accepted Google Adsense point is, present content as attractive as possible for users, your item will determine relevant ads appear on your blog page, ads that appear to be tailored to the content you provide, the more rich content you present then it will be more good.

If the above requirements are met, then you can try to register your blog to Google Adsense. But on the contrary if the above requirements are not met, you should first undo your intention to register Google Adsense, because there will most likely be rejected.

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